The Red Lion Inn Practices Sustainability

This week we will focus on the eco-sustainability of a small boutique called The Red Lion Inn. The Red Lion Inn is a small, unique inn that not only has a warm feel to it, but concentrates its efforts on the beliefs of being eco friendly and practicing sustainability. The practices of this small inn has not only gained them loyal customers but has given them a competitive advantage amongst other hotels, larger chains and other small inns.

Red Lion Inn stated that,

“community and sustainability are in our DNA.”

This means that community and sustainability is apart of who they who they are as a company and a culture. Every part of their company and the business that they conduct in is centered on respecting the environment and doing what is best for their community. Social responsibility is a big part of the way that Red Lion Inn runs their business. This is something that not only the community appreciates, but will attract clients and keep them coming back. With great reviews and people ranting about the business practices of Red Lion Inn, word of mouth has also spread which also refers new clients to the boutique.

A few ways that Red Lion Inn practices sustainability is first and foremost buying locally. Not only does it provide for their community but also it reduces their carbon footprint. They buy from local farmers and they purchase furniture, linens, and contractors all locally to keep up with their vision of community and sustainability. Even the things such as jewelry, cards, lotions, and soaps are all locally produced. This is a great way to practice sustainability and in addition, all local purchases are the highest-quality goods and services. Apart from buying locally they do their part for the environment by using carefully chosen green products, upgrading to eco windows and water saving plants and landscape.

The Red Lion Inn was established in 1773 and their visions has not changed much since then. This is a boutique hotel that has evolved with time and society but never change their culture and their strong relationship with the community. Red Lion Inn has a homey old-town feel to it, a place that people really feel connected with. With the sustainability and efforts that Red Lion has put into their business, they have gotten a head start into eco-sustainability in the hospitality industry. They have set themselves apart from other boutiques and other larger chains trying to migrate into the mindset that Red Lion has had for many years.

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Hotel Sustainability Facts

Eco-tourism and sustainability are efforts that started almost 25 years ago but are becoming more and more important in the industry today. Clients are starting to look for hotels that practice these initiatives and are willing to spend more money for the hotels that align with their values and beliefs.

o Beginning in 1990s, ecotourism has been growing 20% – 34% per year.


o Analysts predict a growth in eco-resorts and hotels, and a boom in nature tourism — a sector already growing at 20% a year — and suggest early converts to sustainable tourism will make market gains.

Facts and information can be found at

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